
The Game Creator also supports for loading sprite fonts into memory. The characters of the font come from any file ending in .font.png. You can even have multiple fonts in a single game.

image alt text

These files are similar to thesprites.png. Each character can be 8 x 8 and goes into any of the GameChip's free memory slots. This means that you should always allow extra space in your SpriteChip to store fonts. In future versions of the Game Creator, a special font tool will help make this shared storage situation clearer.

Each character in the .font.png file should match up to their ASCII values. The parser starts at 30, which represents an empty space. Each character after that goes up in value. Here is a chart showing the breakdown of the default supported characters:

DEC Symbol Description DEC Symbol Description
32 Space 80 P Uppercase P
33 ! Exclamation mark 81 Q Uppercase Q
34 " Double quotes 82 R Uppercase R
35 # Number 83 S Uppercase S
36 $ Dollar 84 T Uppercase T
37 % Procenttecken 85 U Uppercase U
38 & Ampersand 86 V Uppercase V
39 ' Single quote 87 W Uppercase W
40 ( Open parenthesis 88 X Uppercase X
41 ) Close parenthesis 89 Y Uppercase Y
42 * Asterisk 90 Z Uppercase Z
43 + Plus 91 [ Opening bracket
44 , Comma 92 \ Backslash
45 - Hyphen 93 ] Closing bracket
46 . Period, dot or full stop 94 ^ Caret - circumflex
47 / Slash or divide 95 _ Underscore
48 0 Zero 96 ` Grave accent
49 1 One 97 a Lowercase a
50 2 Two 98 b Lowercase b
51 3 Three 99 c Lowercase c
52 4 Four 100 d Lowercase d
53 5 Five 101 e Lowercase e
54 6 Six 102 f Lowercase f
55 7 Seven 103 g Lowercase g
56 8 Eight 104 h Lowercase h
57 9 Nine 105 i Lowercase i
58 : Colon 106 j Lowercase j
59 ; Semicolon 107 k Lowercase k
60 < Less than 108 l Lowercase l
61 = Equals 109 m Lowercase m
62 > Greater than 110 n Lowercase n
63 ? Question mark 111 o Lowercase o
64 @ At symbol 112 p Lowercase p
65 A Uppercase A 113 q Lowercase q
66 B Uppercase B 114 r Lowercase r
67 C Uppercase C 115 s Lowercase s
68 D Uppercase D 116 t Lowercase t
69 E Uppercase E 117 u Lowercase u
70 F Uppercase F 118 v Lowercase v
71 G Uppercase G 119 w Lowercase w
72 H Uppercase H 120 x Lowercase x
73 I Uppercase I 121 y Lowercase y
74 J Uppercase J 122 z Lowercase z
75 K Uppercase K 123 { Opening brace
76 L Uppercase L 124 | Vertical bar
77 M Uppercase M 125 } Closing brace
78 N Uppercase N 126 ~ Equivalency sign - tilde
79 O Uppercase O 80 P Uppercase P

While you can arrange your .font.png character sprites in any 8 x 8 grid-based layout, it is best practice to follow this template:

image alt text

While the default template only supports the standard English character set, special characters can also be added to the template; they will be parsed and assigned an ASCII ID exactly like the main set of characters.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""